Ladies and Gentlemen, Mistress of My Fate has hit the shelves in North America!

This propitious event occurred on the 8th of January, and according to my wonderful publishers, Grand Central, hardback and digital sales are going very well. This is almost certainly down to the gorgeous cover that they’ve slapped on the front of it:

And, if you prefer your books read to you, they’ve done an unabridged audio version available on Amazon and Audible:

I must admit, listening to my own words read back to me is a truly surreal experience. Moira Quirk, the actress and voice-over artist who reads the book has done such an exceptional job that she gets my vote at the voice of Henrietta Lightfoot. That says a lot coming from her creator!

For me, one of the joys of writing is the experience of eventually sharing with the world all of the scenarios and characters that at one time only existed in my head. As a writer, you carry them around, incubating inside of you for what seems like an eternity. You see and hear them with perfect clarity, but when you release them, they are handed over to others to envision them in a different way. Hopefully, if I’ve done my job correctly, readers will see something akin to what I’ve imagined, but sometimes they see even more – resonances of their own experiences, even aspects of my life that have crept in unwittingly!

I love getting feedback from readers, and I thank all of you who’ve written to me or who have come to signings and events to tell me how much you’ve enjoyed my work. Your contentment makes me love what I do even more!

A few people have written recently to ask about Reading Group questions. Grand Central are in the process of putting them on their website, but until then, they are available here:

You can also ‘Like’ my US or UK fan page on Facebook:



Or follow me on Twitter: @hallierubenhold

And finally, book 2, The French Lesson is currently being written and will appear in the UK in spring 2014, with a US publication date at roughly the same time. Keep checking back for details!